What We Offer Here At Phoenix

Phoenix Trading institute has several aspects that seperate it from other courses. 

Phoenix Course Breakdown
  • Content is created based on the information. There are different document types to ensure that all learning styles can grasp the information.

  • Videos are added continuosly and updated when need, ensuring that the information is always up to date.

  • Mock plans are created in live seminars for the student as a guideline for use along their trading journey that they can mimick or alter to bet suit their needs.

    • The live seminars are a 7 day event, with over 24 hours of scheduled time with a professional trader.

    • Classroom content are specific to class that makes it exciting, relateable and allows the information to be transferable.

    • The guidance and clarity provided always elevates the foundation created in the online content. 


Study along with custom video activities and quizzes to test your knowledge. Exercises are always updated and altered to ensure that the difficulty level peaks interest. 


With a busy schedule, it can often be challenging to find the time for a live seminar. That is why our online content mirriors the seminars as best as possible to ensure that everyone gets the information they need to grow.

Guided Notes

We'll teach you everything you need to know to start making a difference. Note taking and learning techniques are taught to ensure that every student knows how to study in a way that best fits their needs.